Basic HTTP API Integration

The Reliable, scalable and customizable HTTP API is used to quickly and easily integrate gateway into websites and applications. The HTTP API is supported by most languages and can be used together with all applications and software solutions. It is extremely reliable, quick, convenient and can be debugged easily.HTTP API can be used for Broadcast (Send SMS Messages) or Check Balance of your account

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Secure REST API Integration

The REST API  allows developers to integrate SMS sending into their applications by using standard HTTP methods and JSON payloads.
This API ensures efficient communication and easy integration with other services or applications, providing a seamless and secure way to handle SMS operations. REST API  uses API keys  making it more secure than basic HTTP API.

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WooCommerce Integration

Quickly and easily integrate gateway into your WooCommerce Store. Configure the plugin with just a few clicks and send your customers and admin SMS notifications regarding order details

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